Traditions for Prayer

Fill a decorative bowl with stones with the names of family members or friends inscribed on them. Each morning pick up a stone to keep in your pocket throughout the day, and when you feel that stone in your pocket, use it as a reminder to pray for that person.

Keep a little box on the kitchen table filled with cards to record prayer requests and answers. Choose a card every day for prayer and praise.

Compose a family prayer that you can memorize and pray together.

Call your faraway family and close friends once a week to pray with them over the phone.

Pray in the car for safe travels and to accomplish God’s purposes when you set out on trips.

When sending children off to school, pray for them, their teachers, and their classmates.

Use the Global Prayer Digest to help your family pray for people around the world.

Pray for people, needs, and crises as you scroll through the news or your Facebook newsfeed.

It’s a common and simple tradition, but holding hands during prayer is comforting.

Traditions for Scripture

Let your children create picture Bibles by illustrating Bible stories during or after hearing them.

Choose some Bible verses that are meaningful to people in your household to print up. Display them in frames, with refrigerator magnets, etc.

Keep a little box on the kitchen table filled with cards with Scriptures on one side and a question about the meaning or application on the other side. Choose a card every day to read and talk about.

Use gestures to help kids memorize Scripture. Check out this website for suggestions:

Traditions for Worship & Church

Do you have a routine you follow for worship time in your home? It could be as simple as to light a candle (just to set a quiet atmosphere), sing a song, read a scripture, and pray. Family members might take turns choosing songs and scriptures.

Make a habit of talking what you learned or appreciated about God on the way home from church each week.

Consider starting a tradition of inviting a friend or a family for lunch after church once a month. At least once every few months, invite someone you just met that day.

Take advantage of technology to enhance your spiritual growth~ There are great resources and ideas online, as well as apps for your smart phone. A few apps you might want to check out are the You Version Bible, Jesus Calling, and Families in Faith.

Here’s a link for great general advice regarding family devotions: